急求一篇英语作文 关于我的学习计划

2022-09-13 16:57  阅读 6 次

Here is my plan for English study. I will listen to the teacher carefully and try to ask and answer questions. I will review what was learnt and then do my homework carefully. I will spend about twenty minutes to read English and prepare the new lessons every day. I will watch English Programs and listen to English songs which are good for my English study. I will ask my teacher and classmates for help when I have problems in English learning. When I make mistakes, I will correct it right away and try not to make the same mistakes.


In the first place,after breakfast,I will read some English words ten minutes.Besides,at noon,I will go over all subjects an hour.Then,I will do my homework an hour in the afternoon.At last,I am going to review all of my lessons,and I will prepare lessons before class in the evening.

新学期学习计划 英语作文

The arrival of the new semester, I very happy in the next time, I will establish good relationships with classmates, study hard, get good grades

This is my term plan, for myself


呵呵 有想法去学习英语说明你很不错了 成功一半了 接下来就差行动了



针对你记忆比较差——其实学什么都需要好的方法,什么是好的方法呢?适合自己的才是最好的.但是有一种记忆方法非常行之有效.艾斯诺宾曲线记忆法.说白了,它并不高深,它的关键是反复记忆.比如今天记了,9小时后再记一遍,明早再复习一遍,循序渐进,每天用这种方法记忆新单词.每周复习本周所学单词,每月复习本月所学单词……1.想提高英语的话,除了记忆还得把语法基础打扎实了,语法就是英语的地基,还有就是掌握阅读的方法与技巧,多练习。 2.要提高听力看看电影,做听力训练。3.提高表达,多动手写作文(刚开始你可以先把中文作文译成英文),久而久之,必习以惯之,多看看外语名著书摘杂志,正所谓读书破万卷,下笔如有神。4.提高口语,每天找个学伴对话,或者自己用英语说,每天朗读或背诵英语课文或课外美文。这样,不只是为了应付考试,更重要的是真正提高了你的英语水平。这些只是我个人见解,希望对你有帮助吧!

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